Thursday, May 25, 2017

Roe v. Wade

                     This case was about a women who named herself as Jane Roe (not her real name).She was not married and she was pregnant.Roe lived in Texas.Roe wanted to have an abortion but ,in Texas there was a law that women could not have abort a fetus unless they had a medical reason.Roe did not agree with this law because she thought it violated the 14 amendment and she then suit against Wade and Roe ended up wining the case.
                      The Bill of Rights infers a right to privacy because in the 2nd amendment it says "right to bear arms''.This means you can make desions for all your personal belongings.The amendment  1,2,3,4,5,9 and 14 include the right to privacy.
                      The court decision was 7-2 in favor of Roe. The court said that the Texas law violate the right to privacy for the doctors and their patients inferred under the 1st,3rd,4th,5th,9th,and 14th amendments.
                      The arguments that Roe had was that the government can't take away your freedom with out a good reason. The argument that Wade had was that they need to respect the life of the fetus because the fetus has equal protection too.
                       Roe v. Wade and  Planned parenthood v. Casey was the same because they both wanted to have abortions but they couldn't .In other words both cases were different because in Roe v. Wade they didn't want to let her have an abortion because they wanted to save the fetus life because it has equal protection too and they would only let her abort if it is to save the life of the mother. In Planned parenthood v. Casey they had many rules in order for her to have an abortion.

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