Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Gideon v. Wainwright

Gideon v. Wainwright was about a man named Clarence Earl Gideon. Someone had acused him of burglary because someone had asumed they saw him near the pool room and had lots of money on his pockets and he had always been poor.Clarence was not given a lawyer there for he was not capable of defending himself so he lost and was given 5 years of prison.He then spent reading about laws while in prison then wrote a petition because he knew his sixth amendement had been violated.He then won the case.
             The sixth amendment changed from Powell v Alabama through Argersinger v. Hamlin by in one way hurting the defendent and in an other by defending the defent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Map v. Ohio

The Map v. Ohio was about some police looking for a bomber and instead they found pormagraphy which is illegal.The police wanted to come in her house but she didnt want to let them in they then handcoff her and showed her a fake warrent.According to the fouth amendment you have the right to,be secure in there houses against unreasonable searches.The supreme court vote was 5-4 in favor of Mapp.The exclusionary rule is when a law that prohibits the use of illegaly obtained evidence in a criminal trail.A probable cause is a reasonable ground.An warrent is not necassary when you have a consent from the criminal or the person who they ivestigating,when the evidemce is in plain viw,protective sweep,car searches, exigent circumstances,inevestable discovery,and immediare control.That is the story about Mapp v. Ohio she was then found not guilty and won the case.