Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Brown v. Board

         The 14 amendement is for all personsborn in the U.S or naturalized in the U.S are citzens in the United States.The three main ideas of the14 amendement is the no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges of the United States. The State shall not deprive any persons life,liberty,or property, without process laws.

         Brown v. Board was about a little girl name Linda and her sister.They lived in Topeka,Kansas were the schools were seperated by color.Linda and her sister had to walk dangerous railroads in order to go to school. The school closer to them was for whites only.The browns then took the case to court.The law question was should there be segerated shools even if they are equal?The browns won the case 9 to 0 because the chief of the jury made everyone of the other believe in the browns argument.

         The Browns argued that the segerated schools were hurting the black kids beacuse when they did them the doll test they ask them which the was prettier and they picked the black doll.They also said that segerated school violated the consitition.They also argued that it violated the14 amendement,because kids at the school werent being treated equal.They said "No state should deny to any person withn its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws''.

          Topeka argued that both schools were equal and that segerated schools werent hurting nobody in the school.They said that as long as they were equal it was okay to have segerated schools.Topeka also said that it did not violate the consition.They also said that it did not violate the 14 amendemt.Topeka lost to the browns 0 to9

Links to this case. http://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/history-brown-v-board-education-re-enactment


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Texas v. Johnson

 Texas v. Johonson was about a guy buringing a flag beacuse how he felt  toward the reagon adminstration U.S policy.He was then scented for 1 year in jail and was given a fine.They then had to decide if flag burning is a form of a protected speech or not.Johmson won 5:4.The brandenburg test was based on the first amendement.It made a land mark in the united states.
